Penetrant inspection expertise requires process consistency and dependable products so the inspector, engineer or technician can have confidence that every defect, flaw or indication will be found. The more repeatable the inspection, the greater the level of confidence an inspector gains. Magnaflux provides NDT-pros, engineers, and technician inspectors with chemical consumable products developed and tested to maximize process reliability in flourescent penetrant inspection (FPI) and dye penetrant testing.
Click the buttons below or scroll down to find out more about the Magnaflux full range of penetrant testing products including penetrants, developers and emulsifiers, QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List products, and ASTM E1417, ASTM E165, ISO 3452 and Pratt & Whitney certified products.
Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrants
Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant
Water-Based Fluorescent Penetrants
Visible / Color Contrast Penetrants
Penetrant Testing Kits
ZL-15B Level 1/2 water washable fluorescent penetrant for Method A and C liquid penetrant testing
ZL-19 Level 1 water washable fluorescent penetrant for Method A/C liquid penetrant testing
ZL-56 Level 4 water washable fluorescent penetrant for Type 1, Method A and Method C liquid penetrant testing
ZL-60C Level 2 water washable fluorescent penetrant for Method A/C liquid penetrant testing
ZL-60D Level 2 water washable fluorescent penetrant for Method A/C liquid penetrant testing
ZL-67B Level 3 water washable fluorescent penetrant for Method A/C liquid penetrant testing
ZL-27A Level 3 post-emulsifiable fluorescent penetrant for Method B/C/D liquid penetrant testing
ZL-2C Level 2 post-emulsifiable fluorescent penetrant for Method B/C/D liquid penetrant testing
ZL-37 Level 4 post-emulsifiable fluorescent penetrant for Method B/C/D liquid penetrant testing
Water-based, water washable level 1/2 fluorescent penetrant; contains no petroleum distillates allowing direct drain disposal.
Water-based, water washable level 1 fluorescent penetrant; contains no petroleum distillates allowing direct drain disposal.
Water-based, water washable level 2 fluorescent penetrant; contains no petroleum distillates allowing direct drain disposal.
SKL-SP2 solvent removable visible penetrant for Type 2, Method B, C and D dye penetrant testing
SKL-WP2 water washable visible penetrant for Type 2, Method A and Method C dye penetrant testing
SKD-S2 solvent-based developer for Form d or Form e penetrant testing Type 1 and Type 2
ZP-14A water soluble developer from Magnaflux for Form b liquid penetrant testing
ZP-4D noncombustible, dry powder developer for Form a liquid penetrant testing
ZP-5B water suspendible developer for Form c liquid penetrant testing
ZP-9F solvent-based developer for Form d and Form e liquid penetrant testing Type 1 and Type 2
SKC-S cleaner and remover for pre-cleaning before testing and for removing excess surface penetrant.
ZE-4B lipophilic emulsifier for Method B liquid penetrant testing
ZR-10C hydrophilic emulsifier and remover for Method D liquid penetrant testing
SK-3 Kit - solvent removable visible penetrant for Method B, C and D liquid penetrant testing Type 2
Learn how a automotive manufacturer increased indication detection in visible and UV light with developer.
Learn the differences between water-removable and non-water-washable liquid penetrant to figure out which is right for you
Watch an overview of the dye penetrant testing method according to ASTM E1417, including basic steps for NDT with an AMS 2644 Type 2 penetrant.
Read more about using penetrant testing products to inspect for leaks by using fluorescent or visible/colored penetrant to enhance visual detection of leaks.
5-question guide to help understand the differences between Level 2 penetrants.
Learn about the separate category for Method A penetrants according to AMS 2644 and what they contain in their formula.
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