

Level 3 Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant

Post-emulsifiable ZL-27A is a Level 3, high-sensitivity Type 1 penetrant designed for inspections which require maximum process control and reliability, such as safety-critical aerospace testing.

Since ZL-27A is not water soluble, there is minimal risk of this penetrant being removed from a fine or shallow defect through over-washing to provide the highest reliability of any penetrant inspection method.

ZL-27A has a high flash point and provides long tank life when used in open dip tanks, but this penetrant can also be applied in a variety of other ways, including electrostatic spray.

To remove surface ZL-27A penetrant before developer application, use ZE-4B Method B lipophilic emulsifier or ZR-10C Method D hydrophilic emulsifier can be used.

Improve indication detection

  • Clear, bright indications are easier to detect due to high UV and thermal stability – even for small flaws and discontinuities.
  • Indications stand out more since background fluorescence is minimised; emulsifiers only remove surface penetrant without the risk of over-washing.

Maximise penetrant inspection process control

  • Prevents over-washing since ZL-27A cannot be removed with water (unless combined with an emulsifier).
  • PE penetrant system is less susceptible to human error since only surface penetrant is removed in the final rinse stage.

Wide range of inspections

  • Inspect a wide range of high-value components without fear of corrosion or specification non-conformance.
  • Meets all major industry and NDT specification requirements, including Aerospace Prime and OEM specs, AMS 2644 and ISO 3452.

Maximise operator comfort and safety

  • Promotes better inspection quality by providing the operator with a more comfortable work environment
  • Reduces discomfort from strong odors Exceeds all EHS requirements

Ordering Information

Aerosol (case of 10)008A002

25 litres066C017

200 litres066C016

Product Properties

NDT TypeFluorescent Penetrant Testing

Penetrant TypeType 1

Fluorescent Penetrant SensitivityLevel 3 - High Sensitivity

Penetrant MethodsMethod B, Method C, Method D

Removal TypePost Emulsifiable

Required EquipmentUV light source


Ideal ApplicationCritical components, Detecting fine discontinuities, Electrostatic spray, Immersion dip tank, Machined components, Precision castings, Precision forgings

Defect ExamplesFine cracks, Porosity, Seams


StandardsAMS 2644, ASME BPVC, ASTM E1417/E1417M, ASTM E165/E165M-18, ISO 3452-2, MIL-STD-2132, Pratt & Whitney PMC 4353, Rolls Royce RRP 58003 (CSS 232), SAFRAN Pr 5000/In 5000


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