When precise and reliable testing is essential, NDT teams around the world turn to Magnaflux. Magnaflux liquid penetrant testing equipment is trusted by industry leaders in aerospace, energy, and automotive testing. We can help you find the perfect solution for your NDT needs.
Magnaflux liquid penetrant testing inspection equipment is engineered specifically for testing critical components. Our products are easy-to-operate and durable, staying precise even after years of use.
Read more about our most popular liquid penetrant testing equipment below. Have questions? Contact us to find the perfect equipment for your needs.
Penetrant Testing Consumables
Penetrant Testing Accessories
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S200SA self-contained carbon filtration unit, fitted with wheels for extra mobility
S500 carbon filtration unit comprises a pressure vessel fitted with control valves
ZA-28 compact penetrant testing equipment for low volume liquid penetrant inspection.
ZA-37 compact penetrant testing equipment for low volume liquid penetrant inspection
ZA-915 stand-alone penetrant testing equipment for moderate volume liquid penetrant inspection.
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