Improve your magnetic particle inspection with Magnaflux fluorescent powders, visible and colored magnetic particles, carrier liquid, contrast aid paint and other products for mag particle testing.
Find out more about Magnaflux’s reliable and tested magnetic particle products for wet-method and dry-method MPI and MT magnetic particle testing.
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Fluorescent Magnetic Particles
Colored Particles for Wet Method
Colored Particles for Dry Method
Suspension Vehicle
Contrast Paint
Water Additives
14A fluorescent magnetic powder for wet method MPI in UV light
14HF oil-based, ready-to-use fluorescent ink for wet method MPI in UV light.
MF-655 WB fluorescent liquid concentrate for wet method MPI in UV light
MG 410 fluorescent magnetic powder for wet method MPI in UV light.
MG 601 fluorescent magnetic particles for wet method MPI in UV light.
WB-12 fluorescent liquid concentrate for wet method MPI in UV light.
622.1 fluorescent oil-based fluorescent ink concentrate for wet method MPI in UV light.
690.1 oil-based, ready-to-use fluorescent ink for wet method MPI in UV light.
7HF oil-based magnetic particle suspension aerosol for visible wet method MPI
WB-27 water-based magnetic particle suspension for visible wet method MPI.
1 Grey visible magnetic particles for dry method mag inspection in normal light
8A Red visible magnetic particles for dry method MPI in normal light
Carrier II petroleum-based suspension vehicle for wet method MPI
WCP-2 white contrast paint for high contrast backgrounds to improve visible magnetic particle inspections
WA-1 is a general-purpose water-conditioning liquid for improving water-based magnetic particle suspensions
WA-2 general-purpose, silicone-free defoaming additive to prevent foaming in water-based products
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