Batch Inspection Certificates Lookup


Batch Inspection Certifications

Enter a valid batch number for consumable products manufactured in the UK or Germany.

For other product certifications please visit our other Locations.

Magnaflux aerosol products - same quality products, new label design

 How to find your batch number

You can find the batch number for your product on the label (bulk chemicals) or on the bottom of the can (aerosols).

Bulk product label (batch number highlighted in yellow). Bottom of aerosol can (batch number highlighted in yellow).


 About our batch numbers

Each batch of product manufactured and supplied by Magnaflux EMEA carries a unique batch number. For bulk products, the batch number consists of seven digits. For aerosol products, the batch number consists of six digits. In both cases, the first two digits represent the year of manufacture (for example, 15 = 2015) and the third and fourth digits give the month of manufacture (for example, 07 = July).

Some products that we supply are manufactured by Magnaflux in the US: 14A, MG 410, 1 Grey and 8A Red). The US batch numbering system is different and consists of five numbers and a letter – for example, 12K112. The first two digits represent the year of manufacture and the letter represents the month of manufacture (A = January, B = February, C = March, D = April, E = May, F = June, G = July, H = August, J = September, K = October, L = November, M = December). So the batch number 12K112 indicates that the product was manufactured in October 2012.

On our batch inspection certificates, bulk product labels and aerosol labels. you will also see reference to the ‘Best Before End’ (BBE) date. This date refers to the shelf life of unopened product. More information on this can be found  in our Shelf Life statement.

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