These magnetic particle testing accessories will help you optimize your mag particle testing processes so you have a complete solution to meet all your non-destructive testing application needs.
Just click on any of the accessory categories below to find out more about these products, or contact us for assistance in choosing the accessory that is right for your process.
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Magnetic Equipment Accessories
Yoke Accessories
UV Lamps & Accessories
Centrifuge tubes to measure settling volume concentration
Conductors and adapters for Magnaflux magnetic benches
Connectors for connection to high current cables.
Contact pads ensure reliable electrical contact with parts during mag particle testing.
Field indicators and Gauss meters for measuring magnetic field strength and direction
Magnetising coils for Magnaflux magnetic benches
Fast, reliable, even application of magnetic powers and bath suspensions
Magnetic particle test pieces from Magnaflux
Magnetic particle inspection meters and monitoring devices
Accessories to use with Magnaflux electromagnetic yokes
EV6000 portable, hand-held LED UV lamp for fluorescent PT and MT
High-intensity, dual-light LED UV lamp for black light inspection during fluorescent NDT
Mounting hardware to mount and position the EV6000 & EV6500 UV lamp during testing
UV light meters measure UV-A black light and visible light
Protect your eyes from UV lighting
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Magnaflux, A Division of ITW Limited VAT number: GB 531 8325 59