Magnetic Particle Inspection Equipment

Magnaflux magnetic particle inspection (MPI) testing equipment is designed to be fast, reliable and high-value.

Our catalogue of MPI inspection machines and equipment offers something for every NDT operation. Flexible and versatile, our products come in a range of power outputs, including AC, half-wave DC and full-wave DC. Magnaflux MPI equipment can also be sized for specific test parts to accommodate parts of any size.

Choosing the Right Equipment for Your Non-destructive Testing (NDT)

Magnaflux offers a comprehensive range of magnetic particle inspection (MPI) equipment for all your NDT needs.

Electromagnetic Yokes: Lightweight, portable, and versatile, Magnaflux yokes are ideal for field inspections and hard-to-reach areas.

Magnetic Benches: These stationary units are engineered for high-volume inspection needs, providing consistency and durability even after extensive use.

Power Packs and Mobile Units: Perform current tests and chain inspections with our mobile, easy-to-use testing tools.

Demagnetisation Equipment: Reliable, fast tools for removing any leftover magnetism from products that have undergone magnetic testing. 

Find out more about Magnaflux magnetic particle inspection equipment and find the perfect equipment for your NDT needs.


Electromagnetic Yokes

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Magnetic Benches

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Power Packs & Mobile Test Units

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Read More About Magnetic Particle Inspection Equipment

Differences of Using Multi-Directional and Uni-Directional

Differences of Using Multi-Directional and Uni-Directional

In this experiment, we compare the speed of a multi-directional magnetic particle wet bench to a traditional uni-directional method.


Technique Management Challenges

How Integrated Techniques Can Ease the Pain of Part Variability

This article explores issues many magnetic particle inspection operators face when testing diverse parts that require specific standards and acceptance criteria in a world that does not accept mistakes


5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Mag Particle Yoke [Checklist]

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Mag Particle Yoke [Checklist]

In this article we outline some key factors to consider when selecting the right electromagnetic yoke or contour probe for magnetic particle testing


3 Reasons to Try the Y-2 Yoke

3 Reasons to Try the Y-2 Yoke

Explaining mag particle scenarios in the field, and how they can be changed depending on the yoke selection


Mag Particle Settling Volume Test

Mag Particle Carrier Settling Test Performance

See how three common magnetic particle testing carriers perform in a standard ASTM E1444 settling volume test.


Multidirectional Magnetization for Magnetic Particle Inspection

Learn about multi-directional magnetization applications and how mag particle inspections can benefit from multi-vector magnetization.


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