
Field Indicators

Magnetic field indicators and Gauss meters

This range of field indicators is to help you check and measure magnetic field strength and direction during the magnetic particle inspection process. Rugged, pocket-size 10 and 20 gauss meters and pie gauge indicator provide flexibility in measuring residual part magnetism, field direction and AC/DC field strength in mag particle testing applications.

Part Numbers

Product Name Description Part Number

10 Gauss Field Meter, Un-Calibrated

Rugged, pocket-size meters used to indicate residual magnetism remaining in part after magnetization. Inexpensive, disposable, non certified field indicator. 2480

10 Gauss Field Meter, Calibrated

Rugged, pocket-size meters used to indicate residual magnetism remaining in part after magnetization. Accurate to +/- 0.5 gauss with scale range of 10-0-10. Certification is provided. 505056
20 Gauss Field Meter, Calibrated Rugged, pocket-size meters used to indicate residual magnetism remaining in part after magnetization. Accurate to + /-1 gauss with scale range of 20-0-20. Certification is provided. 105645
Pie Gauge The magnetic particle Pie Gauge is used as an aid in determining the direction of magnetic fields for detection of discontinuities in ferrous metals. 169799

Ordering Information

10 Gauss Field Meter, Un-Calibrated2480

10 Gauss Field Meter, Calibrated505056

20 Gauss Field Meter, Calibrated105645

Pie Gauge169799

Product Properties

NDT TypeFluorescent Magnetic Particle Testing, Visible Magnetic Particle Testing


StandardsASME BPVC, ASTM E1444, ASTM E709


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