FAQs - Chemical Safety

Aspiration Toxicity

 Some Magnaflux products carry the classification Asp. Tox. 1 H304. What does this mean?

Asp. Tox. is an abbreviation of Aspiration Toxicity. “Aspiration” means entry of a liquid or solid substance or mixture directly through the oral or nasal cavity, or indirectly from vomiting, into the trachea and lower respiratory system. Aspiration toxicity includes severe acute effects such as chemical pneumonia, varying degrees of pulmonary injury or death following aspiration. Aspiration can occur as a substance is vomited following ingestion. It is for this reason that the precautionary statement P331, “Do NOT induce vomiting, for mixtures classified as Asp. Tox. 1 is used.

 Some Magnaflux bulk products carry the classification ‘Asp. Tox. 1 H304’ but the aerosol variant doesn’t. Why don’t they have the same classification?

The classification according to section 3.10 of CLP is intended to apply to liquid substances and mixtures only. Paragraph covers the classification of aerosol/mist products.

“Aerosol and mist forms of a substance or a mixture (product) are usually dispensed in containers such as self-pressurised containers, triggers and pump sprayers. The key to classifying these products is whether a pool of product is formed in the mouth which then may be aspirated. If the mist or aerosol from a pressurised container is fine, a pool may not be formed. On the other hand, if a pressurised container dispenses product in a stream, a pool may be formed that may then be aspirated. Usually, the mist produced by trigger and pump sprayers is coarse and therefore, a pool may be formed that then may be aspirated. When the pump mechanism may be removed, and the contents are available to be swallowed then the classification of the substance or mixture shall be considered.”

Magnaflux aerosol products containing petroleum distillates are not classified as Asp. Tox. 1 as the aerosol spray is fine and a pool of product should not be formed in the mouth.

 What substances pose an aspiration hazard to humans?

Substances classified for Aspiration Toxicity, and therefore pose an aspiration hazard to humans, include certain hydrocarbons (petroleum distillates) and turpentine.

 What are the criteria for classification of mixtures for Aspiration Toxicity?

A mixture which contains more than 10% of substances classified as Asp. Tox. 1, and has a kinematic viscosity of <20.5 mm²/s at 40°C, shall be classified as Asp. Tox. 1.

 How is Aspiration Toxicity communicated within a Safety Data Sheet or label?

For a product classified as having Aspiration Toxicity, you will see the following on our Safety Data Sheets and labels :

GHS pictogram:
Signal Word: DANGER
Classification according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP): Asp. Tox. 1
Hazard statement: H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
Precautionary statements: P301 + P310 IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a poison centre or doctor.
P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.
P405: Store locked up.
P501: Dispose of containers and contents to hazardous waste or special collection point.

Please note: the precautionary (P) statements may not all appear on the product label. The recommendation for storage and disposal may be communicated through sections 7 and 13 of the Safety Data Sheet.

 Is there a safe way to use products classified as Asp. Tox. 1?

Magnaflux Safety Data Sheets (SDS) provide information on the safe use of our products. We always recommend that users should have appropriate chemical hazard awareness training and that a chemical hazard risk assessment should be completed. Exposure to chemicals should be minimised by the use of appropriate containment, engineering measures and adequate ventilation. Suitable personal protective equipment, as indicated in Section 8 of the SDS, should be used.


 What is REACH?

REACH is a European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals.

REACH applies to substances manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year.

The REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 came into force on 1 June 2007.

 How does REACH affect Magnaflux?

Magnaflux only manufactures preparations/mixtures and is classified as a ‘Downstream User’. Preparations/mixtures (two or more substances mixed together) are NOT required to be registered. However, each substance that goes into a preparation needs to be registered by the manufacturer or importer of the substance, if the amount manufactured or imported is 1 tonne or greater.

 Why do some components in the formulation not have REACH numbers?

There are several reasons why a substance listed on an ingredient SDS has no registration number:

  • The quantity being imported is below the threshold for registration.
  • The substance is within the 2018 registration volume band.
  • The substance is a polymer or a hazardous impurity within a substance.
 Where will I find the REACH registration numbers for your products?

Where applicable, the REACH registration numbers for Magnaflux products will be found in Section 3 of the SDS.

 Where can I find out more information about country-specific occupational exposure limit values?

Data for occupational exposure limits can be found in Section 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) of our Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). Within this section, you will see a reference to data being obtained from GESTIS International Limit Values, EH40 or supplier SDSs. Where this data exists, we quote this information for our key countries. If you require this data for other countries, please refer to the GESTIS International Limit Values by visiting http://limitvalue.ifa.dguv.de/ and then searching by substance name or CAS number. The substance details are provided in Section 3 (Composition/Information on Ingredients) section of our SDSs.

 Do your Safety Data Sheets include exposure scenarios?

Where a substance has been fully registered under REACH, exposure scenarios, including any risk management measures required, can be included in an Annex as part of an SDS.

However, for Magnaflux EMEA products there is no need for the inclusion of additional information as the scenarios around the use of the product are fully described in other sections of the SDS.

In particular we would refer you to the following SDS sections:

  • Section 1.2 – Relevant identified uses and uses advised against.
  • Section 2 – Hazards identification.
  • Section 3 – Composition / information on ingredients.
  • Section 8 of the SDS – Exposure Controls / Personal Protection.
  • Section 11 – Toxicological information.

Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs)

 What are Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs)?

Under REACH, there are specific requirements for Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).

In general terms, SVHCs are substances that have hazards with serious and often irreversible effects on human health or the environment – for example, they cause cancer, or they have other hazardous properties and/or remain in the environment for a long time with their amounts in animals gradually building up.

 How do I know if a substance is categorised as a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC)?

Substances that meet the criteria as a SVHC may be placed in one or both of two lists that are defined under the REACH regulation, namely:

  • The Candidate List.
  • The Annex XIV List.

Information on SVHCs is held by the European Chemicals Agency.

 Do any Magnaflux products contain Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs)?

Magnaflux keeps an ongoing watch on the substances that are listed on the Candidate List and Annex XIV list and, where appropriate, have taken, and will continue to take, pro-active action to ensure that all NDT materials and articles do not contain substances on these lists.

 The REACH regulations are placing more restrictions on the use of phthalates within products. Does Magnaflux EMEA manufacture any products that contain phthalates that are restricted?

Phtlalates are a type of chemical substance that are commonly used as plasticisers. Plasticisers are commonly used in paints and plastics to give these products increased flexibility and durability. The largest use of plasticisers within Europe is within PVC wire and cable applications within industrial and consumer electronics and electrical wiring. Within PVC plasticisers are used to make the PVC soft and bendable.

Magnaflux currently uses a low level of the phthalate DINP (diisononyl phthalate) within its contrast paints (104A, 104Plus, WCP-2) and also in our solvent-removeable and water-washable penetrant SKL-SP2.

The only current restrictions on the use of the plasticiser DINP are as follows:

Annex XVII to REACH. Conditions of restriction for DINP, CAS number: 68515-48-0, EC number: 271-090-9

  • Shall not be used as substances or in mixtures, in concentrations greater than 0.1 % by weight of the plasticised material, in toys and childcare articles which can be placed in the mouth by children.
  • Such toys and childcare articles containing these phthalates in a concentration greater than 0.1 % by weight of the plasticised material shall not be placed on the market.
  • For the purpose of this entry ‘childcare article’ shall mean any product intended to facilitate sleep, relaxation, hygiene, the feeding of children or sucking on the part of children.

As such there is no listed restriction on it use within our products.

Our recommendation when using any of our chemical consumable products is to carry out a chemical risk assessment locally (please refer to our FAQs on Chemical risk assessments). As part of the assessment regarding these specific products we would encourage you to refer to the following sections of their respective Safety Data Sheets:

  • The ‘Derived No Effect Level’ (DNEL) listed within Section 8.1 of the SDS.
  • The exposure controls recommended within Section 8.2 of the SDS.

Chemical risk assessments

 Should I carry out my own chemical risk assessment?

The chemical safety information that we provide via the SDS and product label represents generic information about the product.

When using any chemical product, we recommend that you carry out a workplace risk assessment. This assessment should include the following:

  • Assessment of the chemical product – using the chemical information provided on the SDS.
  • Assessment of the specific process/activity where the product is used – for example, NDT method, method of application (spraying, dipping etc), quantity of chemical product being used, duration of exposure etc.
  • Assessment of the personnel that will be involved with the process/activity – level of competence, level of training, etc.
  • Assessment of current control measures – for example, safe systems of work, local exhaust ventilation, personal protective equipment.
  • Final assessment based on all of the above findings.

Within the United Kingdom, the use of chemical risk assessments is mandatory and is covered by the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations.

 What hazards do I need to be aware of when using powdered materials?

Magnaflux EMEA supplies a number of powdered products:

  • Activated Carbon
  • 14A
  • MG 410
  • 1 Grey
  • 8A Red
  • ZP-5B
  • ZP-14A

Important points when using these products

In addition to having potential chemical safety hazards, the raw materials within our powdered products will potentially have associated workplace exposure limits (WELs). More specific information on these and the appropriate exposure controls are detailed in Section 3 – Composition/Information on ingredients – and Section 8 – Exposure controls/Personal protection – of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

You must also take extra care as powders can form explosive mixtures in air. Details on this are provided in the following SDS sections:

  • Section 6 – Accidental release measures.
  • Section 7 – Handling and storage.

With the European Union there are two directives for controlling explosive atmospheres:

  • Directive 99/92/EC (also known as ‘ATEX 137’ or the ‘ATEX Workplace Directive’) on minimum requirements for improving the health and safety protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres.
  • Directive 94/9/EC (also known as ‘ATEX 95’ or ‘the ATEX Equipment Directive’) on the approximation of the laws of Members States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

If you have concerns about explosion risks, refer to the EU directives above for guidance.

 Are there specific considerations to be aware of when working in confined spaces?

It is not uncommon for an NDT inspection to be carried out in a confined space.

Confined spaces represent a specific hazard where there is the potential risk of death or severe injury from hazardous substances or dangerous conditions, such as a lack of oxygen. As such, a workplace risk assessment for a confined space needs to take extra factors into account.

Consideration also needs to be made to the type of products that are being used within such environments. For example, is it possible to:

  • use a bulk product that could be applied using with a brush instead of an aerosol product (where there is a higher risk of airborne product)?
  • use a water-based or water-washable product instead of an oil-based or solvent-removeable product?
  • when using cleaner, change from spraying onto the part to spraying into a cloth that is then used to clean the part?
 In terms of employee protection, is the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) the only thing I need to think about?

No, it is important that a workplace risk assessment is carried out. As you will see the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is only considered at the point where all other factors to minimise the risk of exposure have been assessed, for example, using local exhaust ventilation.

 Where can I find information on the recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for use with the Magnaflux products?

A summary of the recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can be found in section 8.2 ‘Exposure Controls’ of our Magnaflux Safety Data Sheets.

 Regarding skin protection for the hands, what factors do I need to consider?

You will find that glove manufacturers refer to the following three factors:

  • Breakthrough time – this is the time taken for a product to permeate through the glove. Basically this tells you how long you can use the glove for.
  • Permeation rate – this relates to the amount of a product that will go through the glove. The key point here is to choose a glove that has a low permeation rate.
  • Degradation – this relates to the fact that some products will attack and degrade the glove material. It is important to choose gloves that have a good degradation rating for the product you are using.

In Section 8.2 of our SDSs you will find clear recommendations on the recommended glove type that take into account the factors listed above.

 What do ABEK and P1, P2 and P3 mean in terms of respiratory protection?

The A, B, E and K denominations refer to the type of gaseous contaminants that respiratory filters are designed to protect the user against. To summarise:

  • A (Brown) – organic vapours and gases with boiling points > 65°C
  • B (Grey) – inorganic gases excluding carbon monoxide
  • E (Yellow) – sulphur dioxide and acidic gases
  • K (Green) – ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives

Other vapour and gas filters are as follows:

  • AX (Brown) – organic vapours and gases with boiling points < 65°C
  • Hg-P3 – mercury
  • NO-P3 – oxides of nitrogen
  • CO – carbon monoxide

P ratings identify a product’s protection against particles. P3 offers the highest level of protection.

Whilst an AX filter would be more applicable to some of our products – such as WCP-2 and SKD-S2, as these also contain particulate materials – the A2P3 and ABEK P3 filters offer the best compromise as a combined gas/particle filter.

Note that airborne liquids in the form of fine sprays and mists require a particle filter.  However, particle filters do not protect against gas or vapour so, when using aerosols or creating an aerosol mist, a combined gas/particle filter, such as A2P3 or ABEK-P3 is recommended.

 Are there specific considerations to be aware of when spraying products?

Airborne liquids in the form of fine sprays or mists require respirators fitted with particle filters. However, particle filters do not protect against gas or vapour so, when spraying products, we recommend using a combined respirator filter, e.g. A2P3 or ABEK-P3.

If the product is classified as an Eye Irrit. 2 or Eye Dam.1, we recommend that tightly-fitting goggles are worn if a fine spray or fog is created.

If creating a fine spray or fog in a confined space, then the user should consider wearing a full face mask respirator fitted with an A2P3 filter, along with protective gloves and a chemically impervious protective suit, to ensure protection from airborne liquids as part of their chemical risk assessment.

Safe handling of powdered materials and dusts

 Are there specific hazards associated with the use of powdered materials?

Yes, there are two potential hazards that you should be aware of with the Magnaflux EMEA powdered materials, namely:

  • The nature of these products means that some of their ingredients will have associated Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs). Information on the recommended levels of exposure to such ingredients can be found in Section 8.1 of our Magnaflux EMEA Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). You will also find in Section 8.2 of the SDS information on the recommended control measures both in terms of engineering controls and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Under certain conditions, powdered materials may represent a fire hazard or become an explosive mixture in air. Information on this potential risk is stated in Section 5.2 of the SDS.
 Is it possible for powdered materials to burn?

Yes. The specific risk with powdered materials and dusts is that they consist of a solid material with a large surface area. If ignition occurs when there is an airborne cloud of the powder, it is possible for this cloud to burn very quickly. This can lead to a rapid release of heat and gases and, within a confined area, this could lead to the generation of pressure levels that the industrial plant might not be able to withstand.

 Is there a risk of powdered materials causing an explosion?

Yes; however, while an intimate mixture of a flammable powder/dust and air may burn with explosive violence, not all mixtures will do so. There is a range of concentrations of the powder/dust and air within which the mixture can explode, but mixtures above or below this range cannot. The lowest concentration of powder/dust capable of exploding is referred to as the lower explosive limit and the concentration above which an explosion will not take place as the upper explosive limit.

 What is meant by the terms ‘lower and upper explosion limits’?

Before a fire or explosion can occur, three conditions must be met simultaneously: a fuel (i.e. combustible gas) and oxygen (air) must exist in certain proportions, along with an ignition source, such as a spark or flame.

The minimum concentration of a particular material necessary to combust in air is defined as the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) for that material. Below this level, the mixture is too “lean” to burn. The maximum concentration of a material that will burn in air is defined as the Upper Explosive Limit (UEL). Above this level, the mixture is too “rich” to burn. The range between the LEL and UEL is known as the flammable range for that material.

 When using Magnaflux powdered products (dry magnetic powders, developer powders), is there a risk of fire or explosion?

Within our Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), we make reference in a number of areas (listed below) of steps to minimise the level of risk. If you have any concerns, we strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with these sections. If you follow our recommendations, you should not have a situation which leads to a fire or explosion risk.

  • Section 5 – Firefighting measures
  • Section 6 – Accidental release measures
  • Section 7 – Handling and storage
  • Section 8 – Exposure controls/personal protection
  • Section 10 – Stability and reactivity
 What can I do if I am still concerned about the risk of fire or explosion?

The most important task is to carry out a risk assessment to answer questions such as:

  • Is my dust capable of exploding?
  • Where could dense dust clouds form?
  • What could ignite them? How likely is this?
  • What would be the consequences?
  • Who would be at risk?
  • Could we prevent the risk of an explosion altogether? If this is not possible, what could we do to protect people and minimise the consequence of an explosion?

Following this assessment, consider the options below in the following order:

  • Can the risk be eliminated?
  • What controls do I need to put in place to minimise the risk?
  • Do I need to put supplementary controls in place to mitigate any consequences?

Once this is done, look at the controls that may allow you to prevent the risk of an explosion. These might include:

  • Containing the area in which the powders/dusts would be present.
  • Restricting personnel access to the areas where powders/dusts will be present.
  • Having an extraction system that removes powders and dusts from the workplace.
  • Ensuring that any filters associated with this extraction system are appropriately maintained.
  • Having control over sources of ignition, which might include welding operations, other hot work, sparks from grinding processes, electrostatic discharges, smoking materials, etc.
  • Ensuring the use of safe systems of work, such as ‘permit to work’ systems, when carrying out hot work.
  • Training of personnel that work within the likely risk areas, on the hazards associated with dusts and the controls provided.
  • Ensuring best practise on the importance of good house keeping, the need to report any releases of powders that could represent an explosion hazard, and also the need to report any work practises or equipment malfunctions that could be a source of ignition.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

 What is a VOC?

There are a number of definitions of a “Volatile Organic Compound” (VOC) in the EU:

  • The VOC Solvents Directive (1999/13/EC) defines a VOC by its vapour pressure; a compound is defined as a VOC if the vapour pressure is 0.01 kPa or more at 293.15 K).
  • The National Emission Ceilings Directive (2001/81/EC) defines a VOC as all organic compounds arising from human activities, other than methane, which are capable of producing photochemical oxidants by reactions with nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight.
  • The Paints Directive (2004/42/EC) defines a VOC by its boiling point; VOC if boiling point is less than or equal to 250 ºC at a standard pressure of 101.3 kPa).
  • The Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU) defines a VOC as any organic compound having, at 293.15 K (20°C), a vapour pressure of 0.01 kPa or more, or having a corresponding volatility under the particular conditions of use.
 Which definition has Magnaflux used when determining VOC content of its formulations?

VOC has been defined by vapour pressure at 20°C when determining the VOC content of Magnaflux formulations.

In order to determine the total VOC content of the formulations, each substance in the formulation is taken individually. All organic substances with a vapour pressure over the 0.01 kPa limit are considered. The sum of the % weights of each VOC in the formulation is used to give a total % weight VOC. Within Europe, the VOC content of a finished product is usually expressed in terms of grams of VOC per litre. As a result the % weight VOC is converted into g/l using the density of the formulation.

Magnaflux EMEA is only able to calculate VOC content of our formulations where we know the vapour pressure of the individual substances used in our formulations. In some cases we do not have this data from our supplier.

 What is the VOC content of a mixture?

In practice, many Magnaflux formulations are a mixture of substances. It is virtually impossible for the formulator to predict or calculate the vapour pressure of the whole system they use, because of the complexity of physicochemical interactions between the components of the system, even when the vapour pressures of the pure raw materials are supplied by the manufacturers.

 Where can I find the VOC content of Magnaflux products?

Other chemical safety issues

 Is the isopropanol found in a number of Magnaflux products being used as a biocide or to extend its shelf life?

Annex V to the BPR classifies biocidal products into 22 biocidal groups. PT6 describes the use of preservatives during storage – ‘Used for the preservation of manufactured products, other than foodstuffs, feeding stuffs, cosmetics or medicinal products or medical devices by the control of microbial deterioration to ensure their shelf life. Used as preservatives for the storage or use of rodenticide, insecticide or other baits’.

Isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol, propan-2-ol, CAS number: 67-63-0) is used within the following Magnaflux products:

Product Product type Isopropanol purpose
C5 Solvent-based cleaner Solvent carrier fluid
C10 Solvent-based cleaner Solvent carrier fluid
D30plus Solvent-based developer Solvent carrier fluid
SKD-S2 Solvent-based developer Solvent carrier fluid
ZP-9F Solvent-based developer Solvent carrier fluid


Whilst isopropanol can be used as a biocide (biocide grade isopropanol is a purer form used for sterilisation) this is not its purpose of the isopropanol within these products – it is simply being used as a carrier fluid or as a wetting agent. Magnaflux only uses biocides to protect water based products where there is the risk of bacterial or mould growth. This is not necessary with the above products – there is no need for a biocide to prevent microbial and algal development or to extend the products life.

 Are there any issues with Magnaflux chemical products in relation to the End of Life Vehicle (ELV) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directives?

Both of these directives relate to the same concern –  that certain substances could find their way into drinking water when particular products are discarded to landfill sites. To address this, the European Union (EU) came out with two directives to ensure that all designated products are free of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PDBEs).

The End of Life Vehicles (ELV) directive relates to passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, and covers aspects along the lifecycle of a vehicle, as well as aspects related to treatment operations. Applicable from July 2007, the ELV’s objectives are:

  • To prevent the use of certain heavy metals, such as cadmium, lead, mercury and hexavalent chromium.
  • To facilitate collection of vehicles at suitable treatment facilities.
  • To enable de-pollution of fluids and specific components.
  • To facilitate coding and/or information on parts and components.
  • To ensure the provision of information for consumers and treatment organisations.
  • To achieve reuse, recycling and recovery performance targets.

The Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive covers a broad array of products, broadly grouped as:

  • Large and small household appliances.
  • IT and telecommunications equipment.
  • Consumer equipment.
  • Lighting equipment (including light bulbs).
  • Electronic and electrical tools.
  • Toys, leisure and sports equipment.
  • Medical devices (exemption removed in July 2011).
  • Monitoring and control instruments (exemption removed in July 2011).
  • Automatic dispensers.
  • Semiconductor devices.

The RoHS directive does not apply to fixed industrial plant or tools.

Magnaflux products do NOT contain any of the substances of concern covered by these directives.

 Do any Magnaflux products contain ozone-depleting chemicals?

The primary cause of ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere stems from man-made CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). Such chemical products were commonly used as propellants within aerosol products.

The use of such products was banned within the EU during the 1990s. None of Magnaflux's products contain CFCs or any other ozone-depleting compounds. The propellant mix used within our aerosol products is hydrocarbon based.

 Triphenyl phosphate is classified as ‘Hazardous to the Aquatic Environment’; why is this not mentioned in some of your SDSs?

Triphenyl phosphate is a by-product from the manufacturing process of isodecyldiphenylphosphate. This entire product has been REACH-registered, and ecotoxicity tests on this product have been completed by our supplier. The classification of this product for ecotoxicity is based on the test results of the entire product. According to these tests, and the SDS from our supplier, this product is not classified as hazardous to the environment. As the phosphate product is not classified as hazardous to the environment, this product is not a relevant component of the mixture according to of (EC) Number 1272/2008, therefore it is not included in the calculation.

This classification affects the following Magnaflux products:

  • ZL-2C
  • ZL-27A (aerosol and bulk products)
  • ZL-37
 What does the term ‘flash point’ mean?

The flash point of a liquid is the lowest temperature at which vapours from the liquid will ignite in the presence of a source of ignition, such as a flame, spark or electrostatic discharge.

The autoignition temperature of a liquid is the lowest temperature at which vapours from the liquid will ignite even without a source of ignition.

The fire point of a liquid is the lowest temperature at which a vapour will keep burning after having been ignited and the source of ignition removed. The fire point will be higher than the flash point because, at the flash point, the vapour may cease to burn following removal of the ignition source.

The lower explosion limit (LEL) is lowest concentration of a gas or vapour in air that is capable of producing a flash of fire in the presence of a source of ignition, such as a flame, spark or heat.

 What does the term ‘flammable liquids’ mean?

Flammable liquids have a flash point that is in the range 21°C to 55°C.

Highly flammable liquids have a flash point below 21°C but which are not classified as extremely flammable.

Extremely flammable liquids have a flash point below 0°C and a boiling point or initial boiling point less than or equal to 35°C.

 What does the term ‘flash point (PMCC)’ mean?

PMCC refers to the Pensky-Martens Closed Cup method which is used by Magnaflux EMEA to carry out flash point testing. This method is used in order to comply with AMS 2644, which specifies that the flash point of MPI and LPI products (excluding aerosols) should be > 93°C.

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